Sea World Orlando Water Park is central Florida s premier marine life park Wissam Ben Yedder France Maillot , accepting visitors year around and presenting its guests with an sea wildlife experience that will be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Theatrical Performances
Shamu, the killer whale, performs in the Shamu Stadium in Sea World s signature performance called Believe . This show features a choreographed demonstration of music, video, stunts, and splashing whales, to deliver one of the most unforgettable performances you will have the pleasure of viewing in this lifetime.
Also at Sea World Orlando is the Cirque du Soleil style show called Blue Horizons. Blue Horizons is a show that integrates the performance of trained dolphins and birds Alphonse Areola France Maillot , enabling visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature and the theatrics of the choreographed animal performances.
My favorite Sea World Orlando treat is the acrylic tube walkway through and under the giant shark tank, called the Shark Encounter. The opportunity to see a wide variety of fish species up close and personal in their own habitat is a thrill to those of us who never took up snorkeling.
The exhibit begins at the Sharks Underwater Grill, a sit down restaurant, which features windows looking into the huge fish tanks above and beside the restaurant. If you are traveling without children, you will find that if you are willing to sit in the restaurant bar, then you can frequently bypass the lines of families waiting for a table. In the restaurant bar, you can order a drink Lucas Hernandez France Maillot , and you may order from the full restaurant menu as well.
If you have never been to Sea World Orlando, you might be surprised to learn that you will see more species of fish than just sharks.
As you enter the acrylic tunnel, you will find an artificial reef built into the display, and in the first tank, you will be able to view moray eels swimming with a wide variety of reef fish, in and around the artificial reef that has been designed to mimic the natural habitat known to these fish.
As you progress down the tunnel, you will see a number of fish tanks separated from the others Laurent Koscielny France Maillot , each with their own habitat and species of fish.
In the various tanks, you can see:
* The Camouflaged Lion Fish The feathery appendages of the camouflaged lion fish are actually poisonous spines that can inflict great pain on any swimmer that actually touches its spines.
* Fugu is also known as the Puffer Fish If you have ever seen Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob s driving instructor is a Puffer Fish Ms. Puff. The Puffer Fish is considered to be one of the world s most poisonous fish and accounts for several human deaths each year. The Japanese consider its edible portions to be a delicacy, and Fugu Chefs must be licensed in Japan in order to prepare this fish for eating. The Fugu Chef must be trained to separate the poison glands from the meat of the fish, but mistakes are sometimes made, and people die from Fugu poisoning after ingesting this fish.
* Surgeon Fish Surgeon Fish swim in the same tank as the Puffer Fish (Fugu). Although beautiful, the Surgeon Fish carries a secret weapon Anthony Martial France Maillot , in the form of fins near its tail that are extremely sharp to the touch. If a person or other creature grabs the Surgeon Fish, it will whip its tail violently, often inflicting a deep cut on the person or animal that crossed its path.
* Barracuda In a nearby tank, one can see Barracuda up close and personal. Although the Barracuda has a fierce reputation, it seldom attacks humans swimming in its midst.
* Sharks, and more Sharks When you finally reach the main feature, you will be in a room at the bottom of the shark tank. The room is insulated by a one foot thick panel of acrylic that offers solid protection from the 450 tons of man made salt water overhead. In the main tank Djibril Sidibe France Maillot , you will see small brown sharks, bull sharks, lemon sharks, nurse sharks, sandpiper sharks, and sawtooth sharks.
* Even more Sharks On the way out of the exhibit, near the restaurant Moussa Sissoko France Maillot , there is one more shark tank that is quite a bit smaller than the main exhibit. In this second shark tank, you will be able to see small hammerhead sharks and nurse sharks, as well as a variety of rays, which includes the jet black bat ray.
Additional Sea World Orlando Highlights
On my last visit, I personally received more pleasure from the Shark Encounter than any portion of the park. But when it came to what the kids enjoyed, they found the greatest pleasure in the following three attractions:
* Stingray Lagoon There is a reason why so many people were shocked to hear of the death of naturalist Steve Irwin, as the result of a Stingray piercing his heart. Stingrays are known to be one of the most docile creatures in the oceans of the earth. When Steve Irwin was stung by the ray Lucas Digne France Maillot , it was a freak accident. In fact, there were only 18 deaths as the result of Stingray human contact in recorded history. Although the Stingray carries a barb in its tail, most incidents related to the tail of a Stingray, were the result of someone accidentally touching its tail, as is theorized to have happened in the Steve Irwin incident. At Stingray Lagoon, visitors can reach into the pool and pet the Stingray as it swims by. Just don t reach for the tail. ; ) Sea World animal care experts oversee the Stingray Lagoon, where the adults swim Steve Mandanda France Maillot , and they also oversea the shallow pool where Stingray pups swim.
* Dolphin Cove At Dolphin Cove, visitors can enter the water with the Dolphins, pet them and feed them, under the supervision of Sea World caregivers.