MOSCOW Cheap Cincinnati Reds Jersey , Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- Russia's Ministry of Economic Development on Tuesday downgraded its forecast for the country's gross domestic product (GDP) this year to a 3.3 percent decrease, down from a previous estimated decline of 2.8 percent.
The economic performance of 2015 might be worse than expected, given that Western sanctions against Moscow would remain in place until 2018, the ministry said.
It also downgraded the GDP forecast for 2016 from the earlier 2.3-percent growth to a growth of 1.0 to 2.0 percent.
Meanwhile Cheap Cleveland Indians Jersey , Russian national currency, ruble, bounced early Tuesday after hitting the year's low against the U.S. dollar on Monday when it dived to over 70 rubles for one dollar.
The Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev, who is in the Malaysian capital city of Kuala Lumpur for the meeting of economy ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Cheap Colorado Rockies Jersey , said the average exchange rate of the ruble this year could stand at 61 rubles for one dollar if global oil price would hover over 52 dollars per barrel.
He said the current fluctuation of the ruble would cease as soon as the new balance of global oil prices is found, but "no one knows when it will happen," he added.
The sit and drop are only two exercises that we teach our dogs in dog obedience training. Walking, stays and recalls are equally important.
You can teach your pup to walk on a loose lead using two positive reward training methods.
?Try this retraining exercise if you have a dog that tries to pull your arm out of its socket. When the lead goes stiff Cheap Detroit Tigers Jersey , stop in your tracks. Wait for the lead to go slack, call the dogs name and click and treat as he comes to you. You may find it takes an hour to walk down the garden path to the front gate. The dog will get to understand that a loose lead is more rewarding than a tight lead fairly quickly.
?holding a few small tasty treats in one hand, the leash and the clicker in the other hand we are going to lure the dog to walk close to us. The hand with the food should be the hand nearest the dog. So, dog on the left Cheap Houston Astros Jersey , food in the left hand. Working the dog on both sides has huge advantages if you wish to participate in the fun sport of dog agility and I recommend you work this exercise with the dog on either side as long as you remember that the food treats must be on the same side as the dog.
Start with the dog sitting or standing in front of you. Get the dog focused on the treats in your left hand and start walking backwards. Make a click and slip one of the treats out of your fingers so the dog can take it every three paces. Make certain the dog is staying with you and is following the hand with the food treat.
With the dog following the food in your hand, make a quick 180 degree turn so that the dog is now on your left, snuffling at the food still in your left hand, and you are walking forwards. You still need to click and treat every three paces. The walking backwards is slowly faded out at the start until you can start with the dog sitting or standing at your side.
You can now take more steps before you click and treat the dog. Over a period of time you will stop using food in the hand but will have the dog following a clenched fist that smells like it may have food in it. When the dog stays by your side you can click and treat when you come to a stop and you introduce the sit command as you come to a stop.
Click and treat only if your dog sits as you come to a stop. You may need to take one or two steps after you give the sit command. Watch the dog and if you see he has heard and sits Cheap Kansas City Royals Jersey , then you need to stop immediately as well.
Part and parcel of any dog obedience course is the sit and the drop stay, and is fairly simple to teach the pup. You start with the dog sitting next to you on your left. Place your right hand across your body and right in front of the dogs face, say the word ?STAY? firmly and, stepping off on the right foot Cheap Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Jersey , take a step around and in front of your dog.You should now be about about 1 meter away and facing the dog with your right hand in the dogs face.
You stay in front of the dog for the count of 5 and then step back and around to the dogs side. Click and treat if the dog?s rear did not move. Repeat this exercise several times and again do not over do it. Train in several short sessions ? usually about 10 minutes is adequate.
Extend the time you are standing in front of the dog but do not extend the distance at the same time. When you are able to stand in front of the dog for say 20 seconds, step out 2 meters, but drop the time count to 5. Build the time slowly up to 20secs and then step out to 5 meters but go back to a counting up to 5. Then go back to 2 meters for 10 seconds, and so on.
You can develop the sit stay and the down stay in the same way. If at any time the dog moves Cheap Los Angeles Dodgers Jersey , take a quick break and then restart at a shorter distance for 5 seconds and rebuild your time and distance.
Have you taught your dog its name? If you have already taught your dog its name then the informal recall has already been instilled into your dog. Your dog must come to you when you call its name. We now need to proof the recall with distractions.
Take a b reak between teaching the stays and this exercise.You must not do this exercise immediately after working the stay exercise as you will be confusing the dog ? one minute he is expected to stay put, the next you are telling him it is ok to move towards you. The idea is to teach the dog that the word ?stay? means wait until I come back to you and your stay for a recall command is ?wait?, which means wait until I call you.