personal version of the Paleo Diet. The diet excludes processedunnatural and genetically modified foods. Its sugar-free nike air max 1 saldi , gluten-free, low-starch formula is designed to help you successfully overcome mood swings, and irritability, while working with your Intelligent Body to repair its digestive health, hormonal balance nike air max 90 leather saldi , and emotional serenity. It will also increase your energy and significantly improve your metabolism.
In 1994, medicine found a major hormone that they previously didn’t know existed. But, it wasn’t just any major hormone, it was the king of all hormones that oversees virtually every action of the brain’s hypothalamus gland. The name of hormone is “leptin” and it was found in our fat cells. That’s correct, our fat cells. Its functions affect our moods nike air max 90 ultra essential saldi , food cravings, and metabolism. For leptin, survival of the body is chief, and everything elseis secondary.
Big Pharma has yet to manufacture a drug that can positively influence leptin function. That’s because diet is the only thing that can do this. As a result, very little about this major hormone is taught in medical schools or discussed in the media nike air max 90 ultra br saldi , despite its focal role in your hormonal physiology. Its activities throughout the body are both intricate and comprehensive. It regulates your endocrine system, nervous system, metabolism, and even has a function in prolonging your life.
The hormone leptin decides when to make us hungry, and therefore controls our metabolism. It works hand-in-hand with insulin nike air max 90 essential saldi , which becomes abnormalized when leptin levels are too high or too low. This creates insulin resistance which is directly linked with type 2 diabetes. If you are a carbivore, and adhere to a carb-based diet, you’ll typically start to get hungry about two to three hours after you eat. From an evolutionary standpoint, that’s crazy. Nature is simply not that inefficient.
Frequently going days at a time without a meal, our paleo nike air max 90 premium saldi , hunter-gatherer ancestors would have starved to death if they had to depend on starch (glucose) for fuel. But since they relied on fat-based ketones, the leptin hormone in their bodies was able to regulate their metabolism much more effectively than that of the modern human. Subsequently, they could go for much longer periods of time without getting hungry. Obesity, colitis, type 2 diabetes nike air max 90 uomo saldi , and celiac disease were nonexistent.
The Serenity Diet encompasses a new understanding of our primal genetic physiology and the critical role that hormonal balance plays in superior physical and mental performance, stamina and longevity. The gluten-free Serenity Diet is formulated to restore balance to your hormonal chain of command, and allow your Intelligent Body to heal its diseases caused by the insulin-resistant, high-starch, high-sugar nike air max 90 hyperfuse saldi , fungi-inducing modern diet.