closely linked to the issue of training methods, and the effectiveness of that training Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping , which is what xAPI was originally developed for — therefore CloudBooks users can draw on a lot of knowledge from the community about this. In addition CloudBooks users should be able to draw close connections between product documentation (User Guide Programmer GuideCompliance, etc.); Training materials and User Experience, and compute suitable training intervention suggestions. This would be enhanced by proper xAPI instrumentation of the Document Manager. Document Manager User data could support the monitoring of policy and operations initiatives, keeping track of the numerical data entered will give tremendous power to address issues, such as: ? Most small businesses cannot grow because the owner thinks he has to do everything Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , and everything has to be his way of doing things. ? xAPI could be used to hire employees that think more like the ownermanager. ? xAPI could look at experience, give the interviewer a list of questions, andor have the interviewer read and answer a few computer questions then let xAPI see how close a match to what is required. ? xAPI could then be used to measure employee growth in helping the company as a potential manager and then compare it to the result numbers. ? xAPI could be used to see where additional training is needed and verify the training program in place. ? xAPI could also help set up a training program by identifying areas that need training. The bottom line is that xAPI helps all of the company's employees be better prepared to be on the same page and work together to make the company more efficient and profitable. CloudBooks and xAPI Starting from some proof of concept experiments Cloudware will be working to include xAPI instrumentation throughout the Total Business Management and Accounting platform. Statements will seek to incorporate actor identity, GPS location information and timestamp as well as the appropriate verbs and nouns that describe the user interface and program interactions.