The obsession with IT as the solution to every major business issue is compounded by the marketing departments and sales people of software developers selling it as such. Until executives address the underlying processes first Clayton Thorson Jersey , we will continue to see streams of failed, expensive IT projects.
Addressing the real problem
To take a process approach to the problem, we need to understand (in some depth) the informal processes carried out every day by employees. These are not the processes that managers think they carry out, and are rarely as laid out in the ideal world of an ISO manual. We regularly find Shareef Miller Jersey , when working with clients' employees, that managers are unaware of a large percentage of the processes carried out in ensuring that the job gets done. This is not a criticism of the managers - the level of information overload that this would involve would render them ineffective.
Working with employees so that they can map out their processes in this level of detail and re-engineer them to resolve the perceived problems can have a radical effect with no IT expenditure.
Targeted IT Expenditure
So far I have probably given the impression that I have a "downer" on IT. This could not be further from the truth - the problem I have is with the way IT expenditure is usually approached, and the problems that this approach creates.
Having addressed the process issues, IT expenditure can then be used to facilitate the new process JJ Arcega-Whiteside Jersey , targeting those areas that would benefit most and significantly multiplying the benefits of the process improvement exercise itself. This expenditure can often be in entirely different areas to those originally envisaged.
At Feechan Consulting, we are now starting to work with enlightened software vendors who understand that it is in their interests to ensure that the client purchases an appropriate solution, rather than simply what they have to sell, as they inevitably take on some of the risk of failure.
Organisations have benefited greatly from IT investments over recent decades and will continue to do so. However Miles Sanders Jersey , the risks attached to these investments are significantly reduced (and the resulting benefits significantly magnified) if the underlying, informal processes are addressed first.
Glen Feechan is Chief Executive of Feechan Consulting Ltd ( ), a business consultancy specialising in business process improvement training and consultancy. Email Glen at glen@ .
Glen is also the editor (and regular contributor) of Changing Business ezine (sign up at ). Examining The Various Types of Microscope Health Articles | May 19, 2010 This guide to microscopes shows the numerous kinds available Andre Dillard Jersey , how one differs from the other, and what kind of application might be suited for each one.
If you think that a microscope is a microscope is a microscope, then you clearly don't know about the dozens of types of microscope available.? But those involved in sciences that use a microscope know this all too well.? But maybe you don't know all the different kinds and what the differences are.? Perhaps you're still not clear on which one is best suited for your specific need.? They're not all the same, you know.? There are definite differences that will affect your decision as to the right one to buy.?
There is the simple lens microscope and more sophisticated ones with imaging systems.? There are differences in illumination method DeSean Jackson Jersey , type of image, resolution, magnification, field of view and degree of automation.? You need to know these differences.? They matter.? For instance Dallas Goedert Jersey , a stereo microscope is completely different than using a compound light microscope.? In this guide, we'll examine those differences.