In the good old days Wholesale Jerseys China , keeping track of one s personal finances was usually as simple as balancing a check book and making sure you had enough cash to cover your monthly bills. Now, credit and debit cards, multiple bank accounts, electronic fund transfers, direct deposit of checks and many other things have made life much more complicated. These days a good financial software program can make your life a lot easier.
Conventional Software
There are numerous financial software programs on the market. Most offer several levels of functionality, depending on your needs and what you are willing to pay. Some are conventional software that you install on your computer and newer versions are completely online. Several personal factors such as banking needs, security concerns and cost will determine which version is right for you.
Intuit Corporation s Quicken program is the most popular program for sale on the market. Basic versions are available that can help you keep track of simple checking and savings accounts and daily finances. Professional versions designed for businesses, investments, budgeting, etc. can perform a wide variety of financial tasks. Since this program is stored and ran on your computer, it is somewhat more secure than similar online programs. Many people find this comforting. Since the programs, especially the deluxe versions Cheap Jerseys China Wholesale , include tax tools, the company issues a new version of the program each year, which can become quite expensive.
Online Software
An online version of Quicken eliminates the need to purchase new software each year. Instead, you pay a low monthly fee which comes out to be cheaper than the yearly cost of the software. When using Quicken online,you enjoy immediate updates to the latest tools and features. Your financial data is also backed up and protected against a personal computer crash. Some people are wary of their financial data being stored online, but it is quite safe. Nonetheless, anything online is subject to theft from expert hackers.
For those not wanting to shell out the money for premium software of online services, several free online sites are available and offer many similar services. One of the most popular sites is Mint. It was recently named a top pick by Money Magazine. Mint allows users to track their accounts, bills, income and investments and also provides them with a weekly personalized financial report. The down side of Mint, as with many free sites, is the large amount of advertising. They have to pay for the site somehow. Like Quicken online Cheap Wholesale Jerseys , your financial information, though encrypted, is still online and potentially vulnerable.