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To earn a college degree, you will have to fulfill some math requirements. However, depending on the degree, you may be able to fulfill those requirements with easier math courses like a college precalculus credit or basic college algebra credits. History majors are not expected to be as mathematically oriented as engineering majors, and generally if you choose a liberal arts major you can choose easier math classes and meet your degree requirements. If you happen to be good at math Cheap Baseball Jerseys , however, there's no reason to limit yourself to easy math classes if you have the opportunity to expand your mathematical knowledge. Sometimes it's good to give your brain something challenging to work with.
Remedial Classes May Be Necessary for Some Students
Even if you choose a major that doesn't have anything to do with math, expect to take two and possibly four math classes in order to fulfill degree requirements. If you really struggle with math, you may need to take remedial math classes before you take required math classes. This is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, if you go through remedial classes and then take your required classes, it shows your advisers, your professors, and your future employers that you are committed, and that you will do what it takes to get the job done.
A College Statistics Course is Useful to Many Students
If you are allowed to choose a college statistics course to fulfill math requirements, you should seriously consider taking one. Statistics may not be the easiest math class offered, but you'll learn skills that can help you in just about any career. Those who go on to academic careers in the humanities may find that knowing statistics is very useful when it comes to doing research and analyzing data. Some statistics classes require an elementary knowledge of calculus and some do not. Before signing up for a statistics class, be sure that you have the mathematical skills that are required as a prerequisite.
Help Is Available for Students Who Struggle
Many extremely smart student struggle with math. There is absolutely no shame in acknowledging that you have difficulty with math and asking for help. Most campuses and most online programs offer tutoring for those who are having a hard time with their math classes. Some tutors have experienced difficulty with math themselves and understand