An online poker player gets to hear about a Poker calculating strategy only after he has been at the game for a while nike epic react france , unless of course, he has prior experience of playing poker games at other gambling establishments. The common mode of measurement used in such a calculator is the VPIP or in other words, 'voluntarily' putting money into the pot. While planning your strategy against an opponent the VPIP is the best guide you can find to accumulate information about his style of play. Thus this calculator shows the different styles adopted by a player from passive aggressiveness to a loose hand, thereby establishing his identity. The working of this concept is similar to that of the profiling scale.
A poker calculator may be used to keep an accurate picture of you and your opponents' statistics up to a period of two years during which hundreds of thousands of hands are likely to be dealt with. The use of the poker odds calculator takes away the 'trial and error' nature of the game. This is because nike air presto france , now that the players find it possible to work out what their chances are of winning the game, a degree of certainty creeps in. Thus players are able to proceed in the game with a certain amount of confidence. You know when to make a move and the right time to fold.
The struggle of determining whether what you have in hand is strong or weak, is a dilemma every other player faces, irrespective of whether he is an expert or a rookie. The poker calculator is no doubt nike air pegasus france , a boon to these people. This is not a physical or tangible device as in the case of a mathematical calculator but consists of a computer program which makes use of the computing power of the system in which it is loaded to arrive at the various prospects in a poker game.
How do you rate players based on their VPIP percentage? The percentage is actually calculated assuming the number of times the player has raised his hands in a game against the number of hands he has practically seen. Suppose the VPIP percentage is 20, it means that it is within the limit of a straight-up poker. A percentage of 30%indicates a mediocre hand, while anything above 40% means the person is holding a lot of 'junk' cards (irrelevant cards in hand).
So why not make use of an odds calculator the next time you play a hand? It is difficult to allocate fixed percentages as right or wrong while computing VPIP percentages, mainly because each game demands a different strategy. A high percentage is nike air More uptempo france , however, not treated as favorable and the player might find it difficult to achieve winnings on a long term. The data provided by a poker calculator is in the nature of a 'streaming feedback' which helps you analyze your hand before or after a move. Thus a pattern begins to emerge which aids in subsequent games. There's a lot of talk in meditation circles about emptying the mind.
This is a roadblock for many people. Why? Because it's counterintuitive. After all, we spend most of our waking hours filling up our minds.
We go to school, we get trained nike air more money france , we read, we learn, we absorb information from all around us. Then someone comes along and tells us that the best thing we can do is EMPTY our mind? Why would we want to do that?
Empty isn't a good thing in most cases. Empty wallet? Empty gas tank? Empty bank account? Empty restaurant? These aren't conditions we find satisfying. Mention your feelings of "emptiness" to your doctor and you may end up with a prescription for Prozac.
Would you take it as a compliment if someone referred to you as "empty-headed"? Not likely.
We seek fullness in our bellies, our hearts and our lives. Going for empty goes against the grain.
We've already got plenty of reasons to avoid meditation. It seems difficult nike air huarache france , uncomfortable, or just plain boring to a lot of newcomers. We don't need any semantic obstacles. Hearing that little voice saying, "Your mind is not empty--you're lousy at this!" only adds to the clutter that muddies our spirit, fogs our intention nike air force 1 france , and paralyzes our progress.
We must relinquish this expectation that we are supposed to attain this state of emptiness--complete non-thinking--in order to have a good meditation session. Staying attached to this ideal is likely to provide just one more nudge in the never-mind direction.
David Allen is a productivity trainer and consultant who is the author of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. He offers valuable tips for dealing with the clutter that crowds our minds so that we can free up space for greater creativity.
Like Jim Ballard in his book called Mind Like Water: Keeping Your Balance In A Chaotic World, Allen uses the martial arts term to describe the process of preparing our mind for appropriate responses to demands.
Having a "mind like water" refers to one's ability to react and reflect in a balanced way. If you drop a stone in a still pond, the ripples will appear in a direct, appropriate response to the force and mass of that stone. Nothing more nike air foamposite france , nothing less. As the ripples dissipate, the pond returns to stillness.
That's a great way to look at how our minds respond when we feel relaxed and stress-free. We don't snap at our kids or get cranky with our co-workers. We get our tasks completed in a way that is efficient and without unnecessary action, emotion, or distraction. We have a point to which we return continually as we go through our day. There is no overreaction or failure to respond.
Still. Ripple. Still.
The only leak in this "mind like water" discussion is that Allen sticks with the tried-and-true "empty mind" terminology. That's too bad. It would have been a perfect opportunity to switch to clear!