It's almost a given that when I speak to a new client Ryan Zimmerman Nationals Jersey , she tells me how much she's always hated marketing herself. "I'm no good at it" and "No matter what I try, it doesn't work" are common complaints.
Worse, many small shops hate marketing so much that they literally avoid it entirely, or do marketing using the "dribs and drabs" method -- you know Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey , a drib here, a drab there.
In order to gain the trust of your prospects, you have to make contact with prospects enough (and make contact with enough prospects) to show them that you're the solution to their problems.
Are you marketing your business enough? It's high time you found out!
1) Outline your current marketing activities. Which techniques work? Which ones are a waste of time? Measure the quantity of new business that each method achieves, as well as the quality of business sent to you by each technique. If something proves to be a dud Adam Eaton Nationals Jersey , think about either optimizing the process or dropping it to free up time for other marketing activities.
2) How often do you contact your current clients? Do you stay in touch with paying customers regularly and reward them for their continued relationship with your business? If not, why not? Is there a good reason for people not to return, or are you losing your most valuable asset -- a bird in the hand, so to speak -- after one-time sales? If your business is a legitimate one-time deal (such as a wedding vendor) Wilmer Difo Nationals Jersey , is there a way of getting current customers to refer others to you?
3) Do you have an ezine or other marketing tool that allows you to stay in regular contact with your prospects and current client base? People will tend to forget about you if they're not reminded of what you have to offer. Once a month is about the longest amount of time you should wait between contacts, which makes an ezine one of the best ways to get the word out.
4) Do you regularly seek out new prospects? If not, what could you do to expand your marketing horizons? Would a quarterly postcard campaign help? Would participation on online forums send more customers your way?
5) How many contacts do you ordinarily have to make before you close a deal? If the odds of finding a new customer are 30 to 1 and you need 6 new clients a month to grow your business at the rate you desire, are you contacting 180 prospects every month? If not Sean Doolittle Nationals Jersey , it's time to start.
6) Is there something you can implement every month that forces you to do the marketing work? As I have already mentioned, an ezine is a good method to ensure that you stay in touch regularly. When there's no one egging you on to get your marketing done, it's hard to be disciplined about it. In my case, my ezine forces me to think about my marketing on a regular basis.
But an ezine is only one of many Max Scherzer Nationals Jersey , many ways to create a marketing schedule for yourself. You could also implement monthly specials, a once-a-month teleseminar series related to your field or set up a blog. Setting aside time on a regular basis turns a chore into a habit that will be a major boost to your business!
7) List the 3 major reasons why you don't take the time to market as often as you should. What can you change to be able to accommodate more time for marketing? Is there work that you could outsource in order to be able to market yourself more regularly? Anything nonessential that you could outsource would allow you more time to bring in more business; conversely, hiring a small business marketing professional can take some of the burden off of you. Changing just 1 habit will make a big difference.
8) Assess your marketing results once a month. What works? What doesn't? What can you do better next time? Learning from your mistakes is the best addition to your marketing mix of all.
If you make marketing a part of your regular routine, you will gain confidence in your ability to generate new business -- and even better Yan Gomes Nationals Jersey , you'll see your business start to grow!
Breast enlargement patients who seek breast implants are usually not happy with their physical appearances. Studies such as Body Image Concerns of Breast Augmentation Patients (2003) and Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Cosmetic Surgery (2006) show psychological profiles indicating that women who submit themselves to breast enlargement surgery are more likely persons with low self-esteem, have a history of depression and some other form of mental disorder. Most breast enlargement implant patients are younger women whose personality profiles bear psychological distresses about their personal appearances and maybe a history of endured peer pressure about her ugly looks. Surveys showed the patients who underwent breast enlargement implants exhibited improved mental and physical health, social life, self-esteem Brian Dozier Nationals Jersey , self-confidence and sex life.
Aside from mental and psychological case studies, other women who seek breast enlargement implants may be breast cancer survivors and victims of medical related diseases. For these women, the need for breast enlargement implant is more or less attributed to breast reconstruction. Still, there exists a psychological trauma that makes them want to undergo breast enlargement to a certain degree of a feel good contentment.
In 2008 Trea Turner Nationals Jersey , a study on suicide of women with cosmetic breast enlargement implants showed that women who sought and obtained breast implants are most likely suicidal. The study show a comparative analysis of suicide cases between women seeking and obtaining breast enlargement implants against those women who do not seek such practice. There was no notable increase in suicide cases in the first ten years after breast enlargement implant but the rate went higher in the eleventh year to the nineteenth year mark. There was also a significant rise of women with breast enlargement implants facing risks of death caused by alcoholism and drug abuse.