The following are three ways to "check yourself" to give outstanding customer service:
1. Check your Attitude
Make your attitude say, "I can help you today." This means that you want to help Cheap Jerseys China Free Shipping , you want to take responsibility for the solution, and you are proactive in creating solutions for the customer. Make sure your attitude is positive for outstanding results. Keep a mirror by your desk and look into the mirror before you start a customer transaction and say the following:
* ?" will help someone today." * "I have a great attitude." * "I am solution-oriented." * "I will make a difference today."
2. Check your Body Language
Make your body language show that you are eager to listen to the customer. This means standing or sitting erectly if communicating face-to-face. Sitting erect in your seat is especially important when communicating over the telephone because the customer can "hear" your apathy over the phone. Check yourself to make sure you are smiling. Check yourself to make sure your body language is showing that you want to listen. This means direct eye contact, arms uncrossed, a slight nod of acknowledgment, and Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping , most importantly, your body facing the customer to show that you are completely "engaged" in the conversation.
3. Check your Voice
Make sure your voice is energized and positive. This means that you do not sound monotone and your voice has vocal variety (see my article "Cat in the Hat"). Check your voice to make sure your have a lively pace without cutting off the customers before they finish their thoughts.
By just applying these three techniques, you will produce happy customers and make your job as a customer service expert so much easier.
If someone said you could feel inner peace and joy by just deciding to do it, would you believe them? Well, we're telling you just that! Anyone can choose inner comfort Cheap Jerseys From China , ease or a feeling of well-being by learning simple tools that will teach you how to make these decisions. Here's a taste of one of the 6 Shortcuts To Happiness we teach at The Option Institute and how you can begin to use it now:
Being Grateful
Take a few moments to sit with your eyes closed and find a quiet place inside yourself. As you do this, begin to breathe in an easy manner. Now think of one person that you feel particularly grateful to have in your life. As you think of this person, bring to mind all the reasons why you appreciate this person, and as you do, notice how you feel. Then gently open your eyes and pick one object that is in your line of vision. Pick anything. Think of all the reasons you feel grateful to have this object. See if you can make your gratitude really big. Now look outside and decide to be grateful for something you see. Can you make your gratitude for this item huge? Notice how you feel as you do this.
We can delight Cheap Jerseys China , enjoy and appreciate the wonder of the world around us just by deciding. Gratitude can now be your way to short circuit discomfort, pain and fear and help you to make the decision to choose inner comfort and peace of mind.
About The Author
Beverly Haberman, Certified Option Process MentorCounselor and TeacherTrainer.
Currently teaching at The Option Institute ( )
Practicing The Option Process for 12 years.
Director of Outreach Associates Network. Beauty Salon- It is so important for us to find the right beauty salon so that we can have the right look at the right time. However, there are certain things that beauty salon owners don't want you to know.
According to the September 13, 2005 issue of the LA Times Cheap Jerseys , soon after Hurricane Katrina passed through the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, beauty salons with power and water reopened. Women who had lost EVERYTHING flocked to those open beauty salons. They wanted to look good even though they did not have a place to live. They wanted and needed professional hair care.
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