Enhanced Keto so you're still burning fat then then there's no problem with low carb with exercise so the first week you may notice that you're not exercising quite as well the the idea that you have to have carbs for the fuel just is incorrect you can be a fat-burning machine basically and exercise just fine got another question here on Twitter from the Enhanced Keto diabetes lady weight loss about people with kidney disease can they eat low carb well that's yet another misconception that that Atkins is high protein and they're in high protein causes kidney disease well high protein actually doesn't cause kidney disease but that notion is in people's mind and then Atkins isn't high protein so and yet some. Enhanced Keto people call it a high protein diet so it's the same amount of protein is relatively high too as a percentage of the calorie intake is higher so it's just another one of those things that if you should take the time not just do the superficial oh yeah it tells us that you look into it the facts don't support that that equation weight loss's fascinating is there the early research shows that if the diabetes is causing the kidney disease and you fix the diabetes the kidney disease can get better now there's no treatment that we know that fixes diabetic kidney disease or diabetic nephropathy so that is is huge and that's another area for research that just has to be done and hopefully some people will be stimulated. Read More At >>> https://americanmadepro.com/enhanced-keto/