Vixea Manplus should I get that should I be looking hard and fast testosterone or the free testosterone it should be the free testosterone should similarly be low if the level will be assessed it ought to be evaluated immediately in the initial segment of the day some place in the scope of 8 and 10 out of an ideal world fasting so if you happen to get this guarantee you get it checked under the right conditions where the level can be deciphered and have significance and considering that to a great extent assortment in testosterone you have to get in any occasion two Vixea Manplus and in a perfect world three levels detached out by time so you get some idea of what's happening after some time a bit and you need you need the individual not to be pushed and that might be irksome yet that is you have to translate that level in an of each a man that isn't feeling the squeeze and if the tea level is low, by then we continue. Manplus Vixea and do help things like evaluating those gonadotropins, and so forth and thereafter we continue to endeavor to look and check whether we can appreciate why OK so assume one has made the finding of that or we're contemplating testosterone substitution and you notice I have the word substitution in there I don't have supplementation with testosterone since we're keeping Manplus Vixea at the level of wha