Beligra on our body since we are holding those dangerous substances consistently you understand plastics are murdering us through our espresso in like manner so when you're drinking espresso consider that plastic cup that is in and rather tempered steel those K cups plastic your espresso is washing in endocrine disruptors particularly as you're blending it disposing of Beligra smells from all your own idea things that is a critical wellspring of bomb supports you know these candles these scented candles that are a real course of action directly before long consider the bomb lights that are in dating from those as you're breathing them in you need staggering quality individual idea things including antiperspirant. Beligra fabricated sunscreen I'm going to give you how you do that these are two exceptional applications that I like think chaotic there's one and the other is sound living and solid living is made by the Environmental Working Group and I love that one I use it all the time what you can do is the spot you're Beligra shopping you can take this application on your telephone and you can look at the arranged tag of whatever you're looking it will uncover to you the horrible fixings in that thing so you can pick things carefully and know which ones are liberated from endocrine.