Soinyou is a young men clothing brand. It’s cheap polo shirts for men is one of the most versatile shirts any man can own. It’s an ideal summer staple, but how should it fit, what should it be made of and where are the best places wear and buy. Every gentleman should have at least a few polo shirts in his wardrobe. From sporting attire to leisurewear, polo shirts can be paired with many wardrobes.
Even though a polo shirt is a wardrobe staple, it can be difficult to find the right cut, fabric, and combinations to take advantage of all style possibilities this unique shirt presents. In our guide, we take a look at every element of the polo shirt, starting with it’s long and venerable history so you will look your best in the heat. Cheap polo shirts for men can be worn in almost any environment where an open collar is substituted for a dress shirt and tie. From the traditional polo fields and tennis courts to the country club and offices, many industries have adopted polo shirts as a preferred shirt for uniforms.
If you can’t stick a finger between your bicep and your sleeve, get a bigger size. If there’s a lot of slack, get a smaller size. Good quality polo shirts are made from light materials like cotton. Therefore, they should drape nicely over your body without showing too much of your body.
That trend of popping your collar is over, and it’s not coming back. Opt for sunscreen for neck protection and you won’t have to pop it in the first place. Leave it for the bar crowd and teenagers trying to look cool.
Recently a trend has hit with large oversized logos appearing on cheap polo shirts for men. Normally we advocate avoiding visible logos entirely, but when it comes to polo shirts, having a small logo on the breast is often unavoidable since it has become the standard. Some companies offer logos that are tone-in-tone with the knit, which is preferable to contrasting logos. Some men think they look smart sporting a polo shirt with a blazer, even though the soft collar doesn’t lay flat. No matter what situation you are in, a blazer will always look better with a young men clothing. Therefore, skip the polo and go right to the dress shirt.
Soinyou is an online store that sells a wide range of casual young men clothing Tops, bottoms, outwear, accessories, and shoes are among the stylish items available in this store. Customers can also find fascinating offers at this store.