WASHINGTON Air Huarache Womens , Dec. 16 (Xinhua) -- More U.S. teens are now using e- cigarettes than traditional tobacco ones or any other tobacco product, according a national study released Tuesday by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
The results are part of the 2014 Monitoring the Future survey, which studied 40,000 to 50,000 students in the 8th Air Huarache Ultra Run , 10th and 12th grades throughout the United States to track trends in substance use in American teens. Use of e-cigarettes has been measured for the first time in the study, now in its 40th year.
"As one of the newest smoking-type products in recent years, e- cigarettes have made rapid inroads into the lives of American adolescents," said University of Michigan Professor Richard Miech, a senior investigator of the study. "Part of the reason for the popularity of e-cigarettes is the perception among teens that they do not harm health."
The survey found that 9 percent of the 8th-graders reported using an e-cigarette in the past 30 days Air Huarache Ultra , while only 4 percent reported using a tobacco cigarette.
In the 10th grade, 16 percent reported using an e-cigarette and 9 percent reported using a tobacco cigarette. Among the 12th- graders, 17 percent reported e-cigarette use and 14 percent reported use of a tobacco cigarette.
On the other hand, only 15 percent of the 8th-graders said there is a great risk of harm with regular use of e-cigarettes, compared with 62 percent of the 8th-graders who said there is a great risk by smoking one or more packs of tobacco cigarettes a day.
The study did not determine whether youth who use e-cigarettes exclusively were more likely to later go on to become tobacco cigarette smokers Air Huarache , which is of substantial concern to the public health community.
But it did found cigarette smoking reached historical lows among teens in 2014 in all three grades. For the three grades combined, 28 percent reported any smoking in the prior month in 1998, the recent peak year, but that rate was down to 8 percent this year.
E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices with a heating element, which produce an aerosol of nicotine and other chemicals. The liquid that is vaporized in e-cigarettes comes in hundreds of flavors Cheap Nike Huarache , including bubble gum and milk chocolate cream to attract younger teens.
In April, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed rules that could eventually ban the sale of e-cigarettes to individuals under the age of 18.
"We are concerned about the levels of e-cigarette use among teens that we are seeing," said University of Michigan Professor Lloyd Johnston, the study's principal investigator. "It would be a tragedy if this product undid some of the great progress made to date in reducing cigarette smoking by teens."
Cancer Before the Cure – What Support is Available Published: 24.10.2008 | Author: dcollins | Category: Health And Fitness
In 2007, 7.6 million people died from cancer worldwide. In 2008 Nike Huarache Sale , there is no sign of this number dropping. Currently, cancer is the cause of about 13% of all deaths, and it is unlikely that many people don’t know at least one person that has been affected by cancer in some way.
While cancer is something that we don’t want to live with, we must. Though cancer research continues to travel in leaps and bounds towards new treatments and a cure of some sort, it would be naive to believe that this discovery will be made any time soon. That moment Nike Huarache Shoes , when it comes, will be an incredible moment in human history that will change the lives of billions. However until that moment comes, cancer is something that must be dealt with in other ways.
Support for those who are living with cancer is widely available, but perhaps not widely known about. The shock of a diagnosis can leave people feeling lost, and it often does not even occur to them that there is a wealth of support facilities to help both sufferers of cancer and their families and friends cope with the disease.
The first port of call is often the internet. These days Nike Huarache Mens , with high-speed connections and widespread access to the net, millions of people are contributing valuable information to the web every day. Informative websites are abundant, as are support forums, email lists and chat rooms. The internet can also point users in the direction of how to gain financial help, what publications to read and how to get in touch with local support groups.
Support groups can be invaluable Nike Huarache Womens , though the majority of those living with cancer do not frequent them. They are frequently organised by hospitals or cancer support charities and can provide a strong network of help for those who need it. Whether members of the support groups are suffering themselves, know somebody that is, are cancer survivors or just concerned community members, the system of cancer support offered is precious. Sometimes it’s best to talk to people going through the same thing who will understand what you’re going through and learn how they learned to cope. This social interaction is an oft-neglected form of cancer support, despite its benefits.
There are also courses that people affected by cancer can attend in order to learn how to cope with the disease being a part of their life. These free courses offer cancer support Nike Huarache Ultra Run , often by cancer survivors, and help people come to terms with the shock and the physical and psychological effects cancer can have.
Naturally we hope for a cure sometime in the near future, but until then it is important to know that support is close by for those that need it.
Daniel Collins writes on a number of topics on behalf of a digital marketing agency and a variety of clients. As such, this article is to be considered a professional piece with business interests in mind.